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Marcel Duchamp: "Tu m'"
Puzzle upon Puzzle
€ 24.80
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Author: Karl Gerstner
June 2003,
Pages, 0 Ills., 28 Photos
215mm x
In twenty highly readable analytical commentaries, the renowned Swiss artist and graphic designer Karl Gerstner takes a closer look at Marcel Duchamp's last oil painting-and reveals puzzle upon puzzle.
That it was Duchamp (1887-1968)who precipitated the Copernican turnaround in art is an opinion long shared-and not only by insiders. The oeuvre Duchamp left behind is exceedingly small, but even so, many of his works have to undergo multiple interpretations of an art-historical, psychological, socio-critical, or alchemistic sort. Given this, it is odd that Tu m' of 1918, Duchamp's last work-executed "in oil and vinegar"- has never drawn extensive attention from his exegetes. The title immediately poses a riddle: does it mean "Tu m'aimes" (you love me), or, as most frequently guessed, "Tu m'embêtes" (you bore me), or, more poignantly even, "Tu m'emmerdes" (kiss my ass)? Karl Gerstner, one of the prominent Swiss artists who knew Duchamp personally, was first taken aback by the work-but also fascinated at the same time. He then proceeded to get a picture of the picture himself in order to satisfy his curiosity. And the more deeply he penetrated the matter, the more his surprise abated and his fascination grew. This is how this book-encouraged by Richard Hamilton, perhaps the most intimate Duchamp connoisseur-came about, with twenty analytical essays solving riddles galore. (German edition available ISBN 3-7758-9126-4) The author: The works of Karl Gerstner (born in 1930) are the subject of numerous publications and have been collected in museums all over the world. In 1973, the Museum of Modern Art in New York presented an exhibition of his methods and philosophy entitled think program. The Art Directors Club New York nominated Gerstner for its Hall of Fame, the Art Directors Club Germany made him an honorary member in 1992.
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