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Christian Kuhtz
Einfälle statt Abfälle(dOCUMENTA (13): 100 Notes - 100 Thoughts, 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken # 081)
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Author: Christian Kuhtz
German, English
June 2012,
Pages, 0 Ills., 32 Photos
Ebook - EPUB (19,6 MB)
The German inventor Christian Kuhtz is convinced that a good conscience is nothing that can be bought, but something that has to be achieved through intellectual and bodily labor and a fond reflection of the industrial conditions of production. His notebook is a plea for the “do-it-yourself adventure” and for an ecological awareness beyond the capitalist logic of consumption, waste, and so-called eco-technique. The featured illustrations and explanations are taken from his innovative series of booklets “Einfälle statt Abfälle” and provide ideas for a self-sufficient existence. From compost toilets, wind turbines, pottery workshops, and sun collectors to handmade shoes, over the years Kuhtz has drawn inspiring instructions for self-production.
Christian Kuhtz (*1958) is an inventor, constructor, and designer of resource-friendly energy solutions. He lives in Kiel.
Language: English/German
Christian Kuhtz (*1958) is an inventor, constructor, and designer of resource-friendly energy solutions. He lives in Kiel.
Language: English/German
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