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Luca Campigotto
My Wild Places
€ 58.00
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Texte von: Luca Campigotto, Walter Guadagnini
Gestaltet von: Luca Campigotto
Pages, 0 Ills.
36 color ills., 31 in duotone
1mm x
| Masterful photographs present the power and beauty of nature in very different places all around the globe
My Wild Places, a splendid photo book by Luca Campigotto (*1962 in Venice), concentrates on the visual power of stunning, captivating landscapes. From the Straits of Magellan to the endless plains of Patagonia, from Morocco to the Strada degli Eroi Pass on Monte Pasubio, from the Easter Islands to the glaciers in Sarek National Park in Lapland—Campigotto presents the quietude and contemplativeness of these secluded, wild stretches of land in virtually heroic views. The intensity of light and the drama of his overwhelming scenes arrest the viewer’s attention, shifting existing perspectives and tempting us to see through the eyes of a poet. The images in his series evoke the spirit of each location and can be regarded as indelible documents of a world about to vanish. With their almost cathartic intensity, Campigotto’s photos urge us to consider the necessity for the development of an authentic ecological awareness. Exhibition schedule: Museo Fortuny, Venice, September 4, 2010–January 9, 2011
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